At VITROMED we take our employees and their happiness very seriously. Therefore we not only strive to create the best work atmosphere but also to foster our team spirit.
It is already more than an established opinion that employees are a business’s greatest asset. We often spend more time at work than we do at home and it’s very important during that time, employees are as comfortable as possible.
Last week VITROMED held its annual team event to increase the spirit of our company members, as well as work on the other benefits that this type of occasion has. Team events are not just to drink or dance with your colleagues, but an opportunity to appreciate your team and all the hard work they put in every day, to know your personnel better, as they show themselves differently, and discover hiding talents, new insights, or potential employees for other roles, maybe identifying the leaders of tomorrow, at the same time they also know each other better interacting in a relaxed and fun environment, and creating strong relationships and improving communication.
And most important, everyone has stressful days, so blowing steam once in a while is great.
Salary is no longer a decisive compensation for a job, work atmosphere, company’s culture, appreciation, happiness, management, communication…play every day more and more a crucial role to the people. In conclusion, go the extra mile and create spaces for collaboration while having fun and being surprised by discovering new abilities in your colleagues that will benefit your team and your business in the long run.
As the old quote says „Teamwork makes dream work“.